for lei,
i heard that you weren't doing well, so i made this webpage for you :) i know it isn't much but i hope you enjoy! i had fun making it and trying to add your interests one by one. you're so nice and i feel bad sometimes not returning the same energy.. but i do try my best. i often lack showing emotion, even through text, but when i talk to you it gets a little easier for me to be more loud in a sense. i'm not going to ask you to tell me exactly what's going on, since it could be difficult or embarrassing, so i will not ask you about it directly and instead give general advice. firstly, you should really sleep more often.. take care of yourself, you know? i notice that you're always up so late and it can not only affect you physically, but mentally too! oh, and i recommend talking to someone you trust or a therapist, if you don't have one already, depending on the situation

here are some cute images! i remember when we talked about our favorite characters, and you said komaeda's your favorite in sdr2, so i made a file with a bunch of art! feel free to click it open. i can't fit every photo on this page so i'll just keep it there